handler Package

handler Package

Convenience routines for presenting the root of the web server.

Here because nowhere else seems right.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.root(environ, start_response)

Convenience application to provide an entry point at root.

bag Module

Methods for accessing Bag entities.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.bag.delete(environ, start_response)

Handle DELETE on a single bag URI.

Remove the bag and the tiddlers within from the store.

How the store chooses to handle remove and what it means is up to the store.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.bag.get(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on a single bag URI.

Get a representation in some serialization determined by tiddlyweb.web.negotiate of a bag (the bag itself, not the tiddlers within).

tiddlyweb.web.handler.bag.get_tiddlers(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on a tiddlers-within-a-bag URI.

Get a list representation of the tiddlers in a bag.

The information sent is dependent on the serialization chosen via tiddlyweb.web.negotiate.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.bag.list_bags(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on the bags URI.

List all the bags that are readable by the current usersign.

The information sent is dependent on the serialization chosen via tiddlyweb.web.negotiate.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.bag.put(environ, start_response)

Handle PUT on a single bag URI.

Put a bag to the server, meaning the description and policy of the bag, if policy allows.

chronicle Module

A chronicle is a stack of tiddlers, usually revisions of one tiddler. By POSTing a chronicle of tiddlers originally named A to tiddler B, it is possible to rename a tiddler while preserving revision history.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.chronicle.post_revisions(environ, start_response)

Handle a POST of a chronicle of tiddlers at a tiddler revisions URI.

Take a collection of JSON tiddlers, each with a text key and value, and process them into the store.

recipe Module

Methods for accessing Recipe entities.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.recipe.delete(environ, start_response)

Handle DELETE on a single recipe URI.

Delete a recipe. This just removes the recipe, not any associated bags or tiddlers.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.recipe.get(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on a single recipe URI.

Get a representation in some serialization determined by tiddlyweb.web.negotiate of a recipe (just the recipe itself, not the tiddlers it can produce).

tiddlyweb.web.handler.recipe.get_tiddlers(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on a tiddlers-within-a-recipe URI.

Get a list representation of the tiddlers generated from a recipe.

The information sent is dependent on the serialization chosen via tiddlyweb.web.negotiate.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.recipe.list_recipes(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on the recipes URI.

List all the recipes that are readable by the current usersign.

The information sent is dependent on the serialization chosen via tiddlyweb.web.negotiate.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.recipe.put(environ, start_response)

Handle PUT on a single recipe URI.

Put a recipe to the server, meaning the description, policy and recipe list of the recipe, if policy allows.

search Module

Handle searches for tiddlers if the configured store supports search.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.search.get(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on the search URI.

Perform a search against the store.

What search means and what results are returned is dependent on the search implementation (if any) in the chosen store.


Inspect tiddlyweb.query in the environment to find the search query in a parameter named q.


Call search in the store to get the generator of tiddlers matching the query found by get_search_query().

tiddler Module

Methods for accessing Tiddler entities.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.tiddler.delete(environ, start_response)

Handle DELETE on a single tiddler URI.

Delete a tiddler from the store.

What delete means is up to the store.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.tiddler.get(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on a single tiddler or tiddler revision URI.

Get a representation in some serialization determined by tiddlyweb.web.negotiate of a tiddler.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.tiddler.get_revisions(environ, start_response)

Handle GET on the collection of revisions of single tiddler URI.

Get a list representation in some serialization determined by tiddlyweb.web.negotiate of the revisions of a tiddler.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.tiddler.put(environ, start_response)

Handle PUT on a single tiddler URI.

Put a tiddler to the server.

tiddlyweb.web.handler.tiddler.validate_tiddler_headers(environ, tiddler)

Check ETag and last modified header information to see if a) on GET the user agent can use its cached tiddler b) on PUT we have edit contention.